Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Prologue: Hello Internet

Apparently they just let anyone use the internet these days, you can write just about anything?  Well, almost anything.  Hell, according to the scientific guide known as Wikipedia, there are 156 million public blogs as of February 2011 (but mostly I feel bad for the poor intern that had to count...), that's too many! I think I've probably read about 6 of those, most of which I'm entertained by, but evidently I'm no blog connoisseur.  Nevertheless, I'll join the inter-web crowd, and give the whole blog game a shot, flying by the seat of my pants, teaching myself how this works as I go.  Here's my prologue post...

First, the title of blog.  If you know me, then it fits, but if not, you're prolly thinking, WTF? and have subsequently not read any of this, or you laughed, in which case, thank you?  But if you made it this far, bear with me.  My first choice for blog names, Indian in the Bunker, while not already taken (shocking, just shocking, who would've thought), came off as racist and since I have been yelling the phrase incoherently since middle school, its best to leave that one behind (on to more grown-up, sophisticated things).  Which brings me to yelling, and lets be honest, I enjoy making noise at times, its a hobby in which I dabble.  So much so that I've been told to use my inside voice (bam, there's my first link!) from time to time (now Craig...).  So inside voice, which of course I have trouble using when told to (also apparently I can stomp around like an elephant?) fits nicely along with my fondness for bears (no! not this kind, but the actual animal). Boom, blog title!

Since I don't know what I'm doing, I turned to my trusted guide, the Wikipedia machine, which told me that blogs often serve to provide news, commentary, or serve as diary of sorts.  My best guess of what I'll use the blog for:
  1. News.  I have news sources already (cnn, espn, channel-K, etc...), so I'm unlikely to break news in that larger, global sense, but maybe a few tid-bits here and there relevant to the world I live in.  For example, today I have pasta salad for lunch and I have the first pick in my fantasy football draft with some college friends tonight.  Big stuff, right?  I bet at least half of you prolly twittered the hell out of that last part though. But in all our best interests, I'll try to keep any "news" interesting and awesome.
  2. Diary.  Everyone knows you keep your diary at home under your pillow, so unless you plan on sneaking into my room to read it while I'm not there (and no, you won't not find stuff like "today I met a pretty boy in the park..."), then the diary function will prolly be used sparingly.  This isn't a tabloid, stupid.
  3. Commentary.  This I can do.  I like comments, commenting, and commentacious remarks (it's my party, can make up words if I want).  I also like lists, timelines, numberings, bullet points (with actual bullets), and charts.  I don't often share my opinion on everything but this will be a nice chance to embarrass myself to all those willing to put up it.  (I like commentary so much that I comment on my own commentary, but couldn't wait for publishing to put them in the comments section)   
  4. Topics.  Literally, whatever I want.  This is the part I will enjoy.  Events, beer, current events (right now!), food, sports, friends, work (nope), things I know before Channel-K does, places I go or won't go depending on what I had for breakfast, friends that have babies, movies, letters we get from the cat hospital, and many other topics that will surely interest everyone.  I'll do my best to stick to interesting, relevant stuff that I would want to read about.
If I wasn't so supposed to have a blog, then we're gonna find out real quick, I hope I don't lose privileges.

Finally, I will try to keep the spelling, grammar, and topics comprehensible, and the run-on sentences longer and longer as we go (boo punctuation).  Also, we'll see how much trouble I get myself into, hopefully none (sorry in advance internet police).    I would encourage comments and harsh, degrading criticism, more points for slang and spontaneous "NERD" postings.
(not nerd, but just an excuse for a hipster puppy picture-
Anyways, let's see how this goes.

PS- Most of this post was indeed rambling and rather slow and pointless, I agree (but you really enjoyed it).  Never having blogged before, I needed to get that out of my system.  But this was the prologue, I aiming for 68% non-retarded posts overall, next time there will be an actual topic other than the blog itself.  So, once again, the bear ate my inside voice, so you'll have to put up with this crap instead...

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